Pathfinder Bank

Digital + Print Collateral

Pathfinder Bank has been a long-term client of ours, and over the years, we have produced a wide range of marketing materials to promote their brand and services. Whether it was broadcast videos, billboards or social media marketing, our team has worked tirelessly to ensure that we deliver design assets that reflect the bank’s vision and values. We are thrilled to showcase our work and share our experience of working with one of the leading financial institutions in Central New York.


We take pride in our ability to work within brand guidelines while continually pushing the boundaries to create innovative and impactful marketing content. Our strategic team of designers and marketers work closely with Pathfinder’s team to ensure that each piece of content we produce is aligned with the bank’s goals and objectives.


One of our most significant projects for Pathfinder Bank has been their billboard campaign. Our design team created eye-catching billboard designs that were strategically placed around Central New York to reach the bank’s target audience. The result was a highly successful campaign that increased brand awareness and attracted new customers to the bank.


In addition to traditional marketing content, we also have produced several digital assets for Pathfinder’s social media accounts. These digital assets included branded graphics and videos that were shared across various social media platforms, and paid static/banner advertisements that were launched and viewed through Facebook and Instagram.

Our design work for Pathfinder Bank also extended beyond just billboards and social media content. We also created various print and digital assets, such as mailers, debit cards, ATM screens, and annual reports. Each piece of collateral has been designed to be visually appealing while effectively communicating the bank’s brand message and services.


Overall, our partnership with Pathfinder Bank has been extremely successful, and we take pride in the design assets we have produced for them over the years. As the bank continues to grow and expand its reach within Central New York, we are excited to be a part of their journey and look forward to producing more innovative and impactful collateral.



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